EnglishLiveVirtual Concert | Berlin Mixtape Vol.2 – online event

February 10, 2022by admin0

+ SHE + started composing music at the age of 5, for her imaginary friend, Katerina. She then attended various schools, with no connection to music, but continued to create her own musical universe. + SHE + is an amalgam of emotions as the artist experiences them every day. With synth-pop & dark-electro shades, each song adds a new flavor to your body.
▪️ See you and hear you online from 19:00 @ cirkular.ro @ ccgerman.cluj @lolamagberlin
▪️ Facebook event link: https://facebook.com/events/s/virtual-concert-berlin-mixtape/1003845656884663/
📷 @ sietetreinta730

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