EnglishNewsPlease vote 🖤 https://styleawards.elle.ro/

November 10, 2023by admin0

🥹I have a beautiful and important news for me and my +SHE+ project.
I’m nominated for the ELLE Style Awards 2023 for Best Emerging Artist and I’m flattered. Why? Because it feels good to have room for people like me.
That’s why I kindly ask you to take a minute of your time & give me a vote (https://styleawards.elle.ro/).
🦇Important: you must vote in all categories & fill in your personal data at the end for the vote to be valid.
Thank you!🖤
Let’s punk!🦇
Thanks a lot @elleromania @maurice_munteanu @domnicamargescu ! 🖤
📸 @gabis.ilviu

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