EnglishNewsI wrote this song in spring

November 10, 2022by admin0

I was at home in Tulcea to see my mother for the last time. We both knew we were saying goodbye, but you’re never ready for this. And we started playing all sorts of small games in which we were pretending that what’s happening is not real and that this whole year with loss after loss is also not real.


On the road to Bucharest I was riding shotgun and was looking at the road. My eyes were fixed on the continuous/discontinuous line of the road and when I arrived home I opened my laptop and wrote this song with everything I felt then.


The song is called “Paranoia Fantesia” and is eternally dedicated to my mother Tamara, my most perfect mother 🕯🖤


🩸 I’m more stable now and can openly discuss about this year’s losses. And I’m still encouraging people to discuss openly about losses and how to overcome them, therapy, acceptance & tools. By talking about the painful side of our lives as well, we pull them out of a tabu state & they become normal & easier to live with.


🩸This video is filmed in Cluj. I love Cluj and especially everything I felt last time🥹🥀 We’ll be back in December with +SHE+ & we can’t wait!


🩸Katerina Molotov🩸

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